Opening Hours





Surgery Opening Hours
Monday 8.00am - 6pm
Tuesday 8.00am - 6pm
Wednesday 8.00am - 6pm
Thursday 8.00am - 6pm
Friday 8.00am - 6pm
Weekend  CLOSED

Our lines become very busy at certain times such as Monday and Friday morning. Please can we ask that if your enquiry, change of appointment or prescription request is not urgent that you call in after 10am. Thank you for you consideration.

Please note that the surgery will be closed on Bank Holidays. 


Extended Hours

Extended hours clinics are run on set evenings from our Findon and Durrington sites, We also operate extended access services on some Saturdays from our Findon site. More information will be published here and on our Facebook page.


 When we are closed

 Planned closures and Bank Holiday's