About Lime Tree Surgery Patient Participation Group

The current Lime Tree Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) was formed in 2017 from two former groups at Findon and Durrington Health Centre surgeries. Currently, the practice, which now includes Goring (formerly Phoenix Medical Group) has, over the three sites, +27,000 patients.
The Group consists of a voluntary team of patients, management and practice staff who regularly meet and work together to make a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice to their patients. PPG membership is free and open to all registered Patients, Management and Staff of Lime Tree Surgery.
Findon, Durrington and Goring surgeries have notice boards with information of the groups activities and meetings. Meetings take place bi-monthly and can be found on surgery noticeboard or on the surgery website. If you have any ideas on additional information that you would like to see on the website please contact the group.

Welcome from Ken Yeates (LTS PPG Chair)